Meet The Greater Auckland Chorus
Based in Auckland, New Zealand, the Greater Auckland Chorus is an award-winning, dynamic performing group who specialise in four part harmony.
In Kansas City, October 2024, we placed first in the Division A Harmony Classic Contest (Sweet Adelines International) and are so excited to be the 2025 World Champions! You can view our winning performance here: https://youtu.be/E_sc9IbmcoU?si=fsEy1ge-aVQK6kNe
Looking for pulse-pounding tempos and soulful ballads? You've come to the right place! Our repertoire spans all musical genres, from barbershop standards to jazz and Broadway musical standards through to Pop and Rock music from the likes of Queen, Michael Buble and The Eurythmics.
Whether you're looking for a place to sing with others, or searching for a dynamic chorus or quartet to perform at your next show or corporate event, GAC is the group for you.
We are made up of people from all over Auckland, from a diverse range of backgrounds, ages and occupations who come together to share a love of singing and performing. While singing at night, by day we have doctors, lawyers, real estate agents, teachers, parents and more who all use their involvement with Greater Auckland Chorus as a crucial creative outlet. As members of GAC, we have all gone through an audition process to earn our place as a full member. We meet each Tuesday night to work on our common goal of improving as an individual in not only singing harmonies but also improving confidence in ourselves as performers. We deliver an exciting and energetic performance.
As a chorus, we have won the New Zealand national title for barbershop singing six times since we were formed in 1983. We have travelled overseas to places such as Las Vegas, Hawaii, Seattle, Calgary, Phoenix and Kansas City to represent New Zealand at the international competition.
Our chorus is a member of Sweet Adelines International - one of the world's largest singing organizations, boasting members from many continents. Sweet Adelines strives to educate singers musically across the globe and offer unforgettable life experiences, support and friendship.
The Greater Auckland Chorus is always looking for new members and invite female or non binary singers to join us. Whether it's the joy of singing, music education, the time to do something for you, or the life-long friendships formed, Sweet Adelines is an extraordinary outlet. If you love to sing, we'd love to meet you!
As an international organization, Sweet Adelines strives to be compliant on a global basis. Due to upcoming changes in the GDPR, Sweet Adelines has updated its Data Privacy, Protection and Retention policies to ensure the safety of all member information handled by the organization. In order to comply with the GDPR, the updated policies apply to all Regions, Chapters, and Quartets, even if not part of the EU.