GAC Presents -The Spizzwinks(?) are Back!
Auckland is once again extremely privileged to be hosting the Yale Spizzwinks(?), America's first and oldest underclassman a cappella group dating back to a first performance in early 1914. They have entertained at such venues as Carnegie Hall and the White House, perform over 100 concerts across USA and around the world each year, and this year are including New Zealand as part of their 2017 “Spring tour” – our Autumn.
Fourteen of the current Spizzwinks(?) line-up will be in concert with the Greater Auckland Chorus and friends in the Raye Freedman Arts Centre, at the Newmarket end of Gillies Avenue, at 7:30 pm on Saturday 25 March, doors open at 7:00pm.
Every item in the Spizzwinks(?) repertoire, including songs from Top 40 hits and classic rock to jazz standards and spirituals, is arranged by a member of the group. Auckland is being given another opportunity to witness their musical excellence and to experience their impeccable blend of musicality, tongue in cheek humour, skits, choreography and showmanship in this one night only performance.
The Yale Spizzwinks(?) were created to provide audiences with a light-hearted alternative to the Whiffenpoofs, Yale's older all-senior a cappella group. At that time the university yearbook was unsure of the spelling of the fledgling group and added a question mark in parentheses as an editorial mark. The group liked the look of the Spizzwinks(?) and the parenthetical question mark is still with them 100 years later.
Greater Auckland Chorus are themselves six times national champions, having represented New Zealand at numerous Sweet Adelines International contests, the latest in Las Vegas in 2015. Known for their theatrical exploits and mini-dramas, they make a mean barbershop sound as they perform a huge range of popular songs.