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After a year of preparations, Greater Auckland Chorus were rewarded with a well-deserved first place in the medium sized chorus AA category, and a second place in the overall contest.  Forty-six members journeyed to Wellington, where we performed our sultry uptune 'Flirty Eyes', and our heartwarming ballad, 'If ever I would leave you'.  While it was hard work, and took heaps of dedication and focus to achieve this result, members had a blast and all agree, this was one of the most fun regionals GAC has had so far.  Thank you to our gorgeous director, Jocosa Bruce, for her inspiration and leadership.  We're a happy and motivated group, and we're all set for the next challenge!

Join us on our journey to Wellington! 

Come to see us perform live our "7 minutes of fame" contest set for 2018 Regional Convention at our fabulous new rehearsal space.

8 pm on Tuesday 24th April.  
at University of Auckland Epsom Campus (Music Bulding - there will be sign posted) 
Easy Parking in the campus. 

Refeshments available. Gold coin donation please. 

We will continue our rehearsal until 10pm after the performance and you are most welcome to stay and watch us polish these songs even more. 

.We look forward to seeing you then! 

Spring is here! We are on the move.

5 September, 2017 was the last night for us at Balmoral Bowling Club. The club's decision to let a Martial Art group to use the space earlier this year forced us to move after so many years. Mixed emotion - a little sad as we have so many memories but we were just not prepared to perform on judo mats surrounded by shelves of kick boxing equipment and overlooked by a large Buddha.

Cannnot wait to be in our new 'HOME' next week! 

We will be flying south this week to participate in the Region 35 Regional Convention 2017.  Distinctly Dunedin.

3 quartets from GAC, MOLTO!, COMPASS and RETRO feature in the Quartet Competition on Friday.

MOLTO! is the contestant number 6, scheduled on stage at 1:14pm, COMPASS number 12, at 2:50pm and RETRO number 14, at 3:12pm. Wish them well.  

GAC are the contestant Number 10 in the Chorus Competition on Saturday, scheduled on stage time 2:36pm. Love your support! 

Well, that was an amazing night of a cappella music! People who chose to be with us over the stadium Adele had a real treat on Saturday 25 March.  

14 Spizzwinks(?) guys just casually took the satge ( in tuxedos! ) and created the unforgettable musical experience for all. Their energy and humour made us happy and thier beautiful love songs made us tender.  

They promised to be back in 3 years again with new faces -- cannot wait!   

Of course GAC performed as well with special guests Baradonna and Campbell Mackenzie. Girls were so cute and young Campbell wowed the audience with his songs.

On Sunday 26th February, we visited Waiake Beach for a summer singout as part of the East Coast Bays "Music in the Bays" series.

We entertained picnickers and assorted beachgoers with some of our classic tunes as well as our contest numbers.

We even sang Happy Birthday to a lovely lady celebrating with her friends and family!

The cicadas were determined to outsing us, but in the end it was a beautiful compromise of nature and music on a beautiful late summer day.

The Double Trouble! concert on Sunday 19 February was totally fantastic. 

All the key people returning to Auckland from Wellington arrived in time (Phew! -- thank you Air NZ and Jet Star! ).

Our guest Pride of Portland were amazingly lively, considering that they had flown overnight from the US and the few from Alaska had come from sub zero winter temperatures to a hot, humid Auckland summer's day.

What a buzz it was to sing "Hine" and "How we Sang" all together.

We pulled this show off once again with a lot of wonderful people's hard work - the wonderful Stage Manager Rebecca, FoH Manager Mike, Riser organiser Ali and all their support crews, Directors and fantastic MC Andrea.

Members' yummy home baking were a great hit again.

Auckland is once again extremely privileged to be hosting the Yale Spizzwinks(?), America's first and oldest underclassman a cappella group dating back to a first performance in early 1914. They have entertained at such venues as Carnegie Hall and the White House, perform over 100 concerts across USA and around the world each year, and this year are including New Zealand as part of their 2017 “Spring tour” – our Autumn.

Fourteen of the current Spizzwinks(?) line-up will be in concert with the Greater Auckland Chorus and friends in the Raye Freedman Arts Centre, at the Newmarket end of Gillies Avenue, at 7:30 pm on Saturday 25 March, doors open at 7:00pm.


Our Buzz

15 Jan 2025 - 6:16pm

Come behind the scenes with us as our director and arranger discuss our... more

21 Nov 2024 - 6:11pm

GAC arrived home from Kansas City, Missouri with gold medals around our... more